Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Healthcare Design in the Developing World – New Article to be Published

Bernstein & Associates, Architects is pleased to announce the upcoming publication of an article on healthcare design in the developing world. The article will be published in the Healthcare Newspaper.

The article discusses the following points, as they apply in a developing world setting:

-The role healthcares play in medical education
-The unique organization and catchment areas of district healthcare facilities and clinics
-The importance of planning for future growth
-Financial constraints which can hinder healthcare construction and operation
-Why sustainability must be prioritized
-Factors that can affect healthcare accessibility
-The advantages of utilizing passive air conditioning solutions
-How to maximize interior ventilation
-The impact of building shape on ventilation
-Designs used to maximize interior floor space as well as ventilation and sunlight penetration
-The impact of window placement on ventilation
-Using building orientation to change exposure conditions in extreme environments, thereby regulating temperature
-The use of greenery to direct airflow into a structure, improving ventilation
-The use of landscaping to regulate temperature and create a more stable microenvironment surrounding the healthcare facility
-The use of secondary structures such as awnings to regulate temperature
-Room occupancy considerations
-The advantages and disadvantages of using an open ward design as opposed to one consisting of many smaller rooms
-How to organize healthcare departments to allow for non-disruptive growth of the structure
-How the use of repetitive, undifferentiated blocks can promote flexibility
-Advantages of using local labor and construction materials
-Energy efficiency strategies for construction and building maintenance
-The impact of high and low-tech methods on sustainability
-Energy generation and water collection methods
-Considerations pertaining to disaster preparedness
-How architectural style can affect patient comfort and the effectiveness of care
-Past projects which have used the aforementioned design strategies to great effect

The article was written by William N. Bernstein, LEED®AP, AIA and Manu Venkat. Well known healthcare architect Mr. Bernstein is a principal of Bernstein & Associates, Architects (www.bernarch.com), which is focused on smart architecture for healthcare clients, with offices in New York, Hartford, Princeton and Los Angeles. The firm is known for innovative healthcare planning, healthcare design, healthcare architecture and healthcare interior design. Additional ways to follow the healthcare design philosophy and healthcare design news, is through the firm’s healthcare design blog at www.bernarch.blogspot.com, as well as the firm’s healthcare design Twitter account at www.twitter.com/Hospitals

About Bernstein & Associates, Architects: Founded in 1990, this company is an award-winning architectural firm specialized in Healthcare design and laboratory design. The firm takes pride in providing the highest level of Healthcare design work, with additional expertise in sustainable Healthcare facilities, energy saving measures for Healthcares, cost reduction strategies for Healthcares, Healthcare safety and patient safety.

For more information about Healthcare planning, Healthcare architecture, and Healthcare interior design, please contact Bernstein & Associates, Architects as follows:

New York (Headquarters):
Bernstein & Associates, Architects
59 West 19th St. - 6th Floor
New York, NY 10011
T: 212-463-8200
F: 212-463-9898
Email: info@bernarch.com

Bernstein & Associates, Architects
100 Pearl St. - 14th Floor
Hartford, CT 06103
T: 860-616-2200
F: 860-616-0018
Email: info@bernarch.com

Bernstein & Associates, Architects
103 Carnegie Center, Suite 300
Princeton, New Jersey 08540
T: 609-309-7005
F: 609-309-7006
Email: info@bernarch.com

Los Angeles:
Bernstein & Associates, Architects
1405 Woodruff Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90024
T: 213-330-0340
F: 213-330-0450
Email: info@bernarch.com

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